Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Day 16

Today our walk said it was to be about 14 miles, which I thought was a lot, so I knew I’d be tired at the end of the day, and that if “the book” says it’s fourteen miles, it’s really more like 16. Whoever wrote the book had some counting issues. 🙄

In addition, there is the finding wherever we are going to stay, walking to dinner, exploring, etc., which tends to tack on another mile or two, so....
That’s a lotta steps!
There have been whole work weeks when I haven’t gotten that many steps. My knees are sore and inflamed. 

Today was a beautiful day though. One of the most amazing parts of the day is the early morning. Seeing the sunrise is really a great way to start the day.

Also, my body doesn’t wake up for the first few hours so I barely know that I’m even walking unless it is uphill. The first stop of the day is for breakfast at the first place that is open. Today I ordered TWO cafe con leches! 

Two is better than one. 

We don’t really stop for lunch until we arrive, which is usually between 11-1PM depending on what time we start.

Last night, there were ten of us in a room, and the air was thick. Every time Deb or I got up to go to the bathroom, we would leave the door open, and then someone else would close it. 😕

At 4:15 AM, YES! YOU READ RIGHT! 4:15 AM, about five alarms went off!! One very special young lady, who was sleeping on the top bunk, had a nice, lengthy song as her wake up alarm on her phone which was charging on the floor across the room! When she finally got to it, she didn’t turn it off. She snoozed it. I want you to know that the alarm went off a total of FIVE times. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Deb and I wanted to poke her with our walking sticks. 

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